Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How to Teach Cleanliness to Children Aged Under Five

Have children aged under five who began to explore, sometimes make our home a bit messy. Your child used to play and leave the toys scattered on the corner of the house. However, do not let it become a habit. Many child development experts recommend that children be given an understanding of maintaining cleanliness and neatness early.

Its application must be gradual and adapted to their understanding and ability. Below are some things you can begin to do in instilling good personal hygiene habits:

1. Give an example
If you and your partner are not classified as a neat person, do not expect your child to grow into a neat person. You must remember that the child is an accomplished impersonator so that the first step to do is get both parents to love the cleanliness and neatness.

2. Make routine
Encourage your child to tidy up and clean up his room every day. Even if it only helps as best he could. This process will make your child more easily absorb the lessons of neatness.

3. Give a gift
Do not need a thing, you can read a fairy tale, or invite your child to watch his favorite video, when he recalled toys to tidy and clean place to play.

4. Do not be forced
Forcing your child to clean his room will make your business a mess. Children will be frustrated because they feel under pressure. Ask kindly for him to take his toys lying on the floor.

5. Limit the number of toys
Once a month take your child to sort the toys. Remove from the toy storage box that is damaged and can not be used again. Show your child the advantage of this attitude, which will be tidy his room.

READMORE - How to Teach Cleanliness to Children Aged Under Five

How to Dress to Look Slimmer for Big Women

Whether you are a woman who has a big body and often feel less confident? Yeah, fascinating look not meant to be lean. Below are some tips for big women in order to always look gorgeous:

1. Trousers.
If you want to look slim, one of which is to manipulate the height of the body. Trousers can create the illusion that you are taller. If you buy a trousers, tiptoe and trousers that touch the floor in a standing position is that you should wear. Do not forget to wear high heels if you wear these trousers.

2. Show your best body parts.
Do not be afraid to show the best parts of your body. If your feet beautiful, you need not fear wearing a skirt, though not a mini skirt. This will make people pay more attention to your legs not the others. Then you wear high heels to look taller and slimmer.

3. Black clothing.
Black dress are very good worn to disguise the shape of the body.

4. Wear fitted clothing
Big women, tend to wear loose clothing. This method is wrong, because it tends to cover the curves, and make them look bigger. Wear fitted clothing size, but not too tight and uncomfortable.

5. Low waist
Wear a dress or pants low waists, that piece of clothing that falls just slightly below the waist. This piece makes the upper body look longer.

6. One color.
When will wear a dress, choose a color that has one. Fashion accent like this gives the impression of sleek. If you do not really like the dress color options, mix with a similar color, such as mint green, and turquoise or emeralds.

7. Avoid wearing Spaghetti strap.
Little strappy dress tends to make you look bigger. Conversely if you want to wear a sleeveless dress, wearing a lace-large, wide straps, cut V-neck gown.

READMORE - How to Dress to Look Slimmer for Big Women

Monday, May 28, 2012

What are the Differences in Pregnancy Age of 20s, 30s and 40s

The presence of a baby in the house is a very desirable thing for most married couples. But there are more important things considered before a woman decides to get pregnant, that her health condition. Each stage of the age of women having different health conditions. Risk pregnancies experienced also be differently. Below is a difference in the pregnancy age of 20s, 30s and 40s:

Age of the 20s: Body Fit, The Right Time
At the age of 20, women are very good physical condition, and had peak fertility. The advantages pregnant while in their 20s are:
  • Minimal risk of miscarriage. This is because the ovum is relatively young, so it is relatively stronger even in the first trimester.
  • A good ovum quality reduces the chance of birth defects, caused by abnormalities of chromosome number.
  • Young women are more resistant to health problems during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy at a young age allows women actively care for and raise children in a long time.

Age of the 30s: Age hard to conceive
In general, pregnancy in the 30s, is considered quite risky, because:
  • Physical conditions that no longer fit, making pregnant women feel more tired and less likely to withstand the attacks of morning sickness.
  • At this age there were many health complaints during pregnancy, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. These health problems often affect the process of childbirth. It is this factor which causes the labor of women in the age of 30 tend to be more frequently performed by caesarean section.
  • The risk of miscarriage reaches 11.7%, if the pregnancy in the range of 30-34 years of age. Meanwhile, at the age of 35-39 years, the risk increases to 18%. Other risks are: Placenta previa, placenta abruption, less weight infants and infants born prematurely. The most serious is the possibility of a baby suffering from disorders such as Down syndrome (1: 952 births), and abnormal number of chromosomes (1:385 births).

Age of the 40s: Pregnancy risk
If not maintained then the pregnancy at the age of the 40s, very prone to miscarriage.
  • This condition is caused by several things, such as ovum quality that no longer fit, it is likely that began fragile lining of the uterus and reduced blood supply.
  • Babies born also at risk of physical abnormalities. Like the larger size of the baby's head, flat nose and closed (a little inside), genitals and chest look puffy.
  • Nevertheless, health technology has evolved allowing an 40-year old mother to remain pregnant and give birth to healthy babies. As long as mothers maintain their health and to the doctor regularly during their pregnancy. This step is performed to monitor fetal development.

READMORE - What are the Differences in Pregnancy Age of 20s, 30s and 40s

How to Remove the Smell of Cigarette Smoke From a Room Easily

Does your home have a smoker and you often bothered by the smell of smoke that stung? Below are tips to get rid of the smell of cigarettes:
  1. Make sure your home has good air circulation.
  2. Prepare a small bowl and pour the vinegar. Combine the pine-scented cleaner. Put on the floor, cover and leave overnight.
  3. Spray eau de toilette or cologne-spray around the lights before turned on. Heat lamps will spread the scent of perfume in the room.
  4. Eliminate the remaining ash or cigarette smell that sticks to the carpet or couch with baking soda sprinkled on a carpet or sofa. Leave overnight, then clean with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Smell of smoke can be eliminated by a small towel moisten with vinegar, then splash a little on the smelly area.
  6. While for the objects that can be washed, such as clothes, curtains, pillow cases, you can simply wash it off.

READMORE - How to Remove the Smell of Cigarette Smoke From a Room Easily

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Healthy Diet for New Moms After Childbirth

Sometimes the mother wanted to go on a diet after giving birth to his back as before. But the wrong diet can make a mother does not get good nutrition and health affect nursing babies.

A mother takes energy to produce food to cope with hormonal or physiological changes that occur in the body, meeting the demand for infant nutrition while it was still breastfeeding her baby. Breastfeeding mothers should include certain foods that can increase milk production. If the body does not get enough nutrients from food sources outside, then it will extract from the mother's body and its production can be reduced. Below are some healthy food diet for new mothers, as quoted from Lifemojo:

1. Brown rice
Reducing carbohydrates can lead to energy production and milk in nursing mothers less. Consumption of brown rice for energy production continues to increase so that it can supply the calories your body needs to produce milk.

2. Dairy products
Dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and milk are rich in calcium and the best source for vitamin B, D and protein. Breastfeeding mothers who get calcium from milk to ensure the development of the bones of a newborn.

3. Nuts
Nuts such as kidney beans, green beans are good sources of iron and vegetable protein.

4. Eggs
Eggs can supply the body's daily protein, egg whites are good protein while the yolk contains vitamin D which contributes to bone health of babies.

5. Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, bok choi are rich in calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and antioxidants that are good for new mothers give birth.

6. Salmon
Salmon can equip DHA fats that contribute to the growth of the nervous system of infants, and also play a role in preventing depression after childbirth (postpartum).

7. Orange
Oranges and other citrus fruits are an important source of vitamin C and also a component in nursing.

8. Blueberry
The fruit is rich in antioxidants, the supply of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates are good for the body to ensure proper supply of energy throughout the day.

READMORE - Healthy Diet for New Moms After Childbirth

Knowing Nutritional Information Fruit and Vegetables from Its Color

Did you know that the color of the fruit and vegetables not just distinguishing between the types of fruits and vegetables with one another? Moreover, the color of fruits and vegetables is the information about the nutritional content in it. The following nutrition information on fruits and vegetables by its color:

1. Dark red or purple
Fruit and vegetable deep red or nearing purple generally contain anthocyanins. A type of antioxidant that can inhibit the formation of clots in blood vessels, so the risk of heart disease and stroke is reduced.

Fruit and vegetable deep red or purple, such as: Cherry, blackberries, blueberries, plums, prunes, red and purple grapes, eggplant purple, red apples, purple cabbage, red pears and red pepper.

2. Red
The fruit is red to indicate the content of anthocyanins and lycopene. Anthocyanins are useful for preventing infections and bladder cancer, whereas lycopene inhibits the function of the physical and mental deterioration that you are not easily senile. In addition, lycopene also prevent various cancers. While the red color on the vegetables indicating that the vegetables contain flavonoids that function as anticancer.

Red fruits are watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes and red guava. While the red colored vegetables such as red cabbage and red spinach.

3. Orange
Orange fruits and all fruits have orange flesh containing beta-carotene. In the body, beta-carotene serves to inhibit the aging process and rejuvenate the body's cells. In addition, beta-carotene in the body turns into vitamin A, which will spur the immune system, making it susceptible to disease.

Orange vegetables are sweet potatoes, yellow squash and carrots. While the orange-colored fruit is orange melon, papaya, apricots, mangoes and oranges.

4. Yellow
Yellow fruits are rich in potassium, nutrients that are beneficial for preventing stroke and coronary heart disease. While the yellow vegetables are believed to be effective combat cataracts, heart attack and stroke. Yellow fruits are starfruit, pineapple, banana.

5. Green
Green fruit contains a lot of powerful alegat acids destroy the seeds of cancer cells. Alegat acid helps normalize blood pressure. While many green vegetables contain vitamin C and B Complex. In addition, a large content of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, and fiber. Shortage of green vegetables causes the skin to become rough and scaly.

Green fruits are avocado, cantaloupe, green grapes. While the green vegetables are spinach, caisim, mustard greens, pak choi, broccoli, and cassava leaves.

6. White
Although only a few contain antioxidants, but in fiber and vitamin C in fruits and vegetables are white relatively high. In addition effective to maintaining a healthy digestive system, white vegetables can improve endurance.

White vegetables such as bean sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, bamboo shoots and mushrooms, cabbage and cauliflower. While the white fruit such as soursop, Duku, longan, and lychee.

READMORE - Knowing Nutritional Information Fruit and Vegetables from Its Color

Saturday, May 26, 2012

10 Important Things to Do Every Day During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women tend to think many things. Generally they will be more focused with her pregnancy and began to prepare a lot of things to welcome her baby. Ranging from baby gear, baby name, the selection for the maternity hospital, the health of the fetus, and others. In addition to these things, here are some things you should do every day during pregnancy.

1. Drink plenty of water.
When the baby is born, your blood volume will increase by 50%. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated.

2. Snacking more often.
Choose nutritious snacks and enjoy these foods throughout the day and also before sleep. You have to nourish yourself and your baby too. Not empty stomach also can help reduce nausea and mild dizziness are common in pregnant women.

3. Intake of supplements.
Add vitamin or mineral for pregnant women in your daily menu, which is recommended or prescribed by your doctor. These supplements are needed to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet, as well as make sure you get plenty of nutrition in infants need, such as folic acid (folate).

4. Doing Kegel exercises.
The usefulness of this exercise is to establish and strengthen the pelvic muscles or PC muscles (pubococcygeal Muscle), muscles attached to bones of the pelvis and was instrumental in moving the pelvic organs are the uterus, bladder, and intestines. In addition to improving sexual satisfaction, Kegel exercises can also strengthen the muscles of the vaginal and perianal which will facilitate the birth of a baby without tearing the birth canal, accelerating the post-partum healing, prevent the discharge of urine is often experienced by pregnant women or when sneezing and cough, and prevent hemorrhoids.

5. Regularly to the toilet.
Pregnant women are more prone to urinary tract infections. Therefore you should never resist the urge to urinate into the toilet when you want. Lean slightly forward yourself while urinating until your bladder feels completely empty.

6. Rest and relax.
Keep away from stress is not only good for your health, but also your baby. A simple way to avoid stress such as rest while breathing deeply for a moment, meditate, take a nap, or get out and walk around. Sit whenever you can, and put your feet up whenever possible.

7. Learn something new.
Take advantage of this period to deepen your knowledge on matters relating to pregnancy, birth, or infant care.

8. Do the exercise.
Although just do some stretches in the living room, choose to use the stairs instead of elevators, is an important activity done regularly for your blood pumping.

9. Do not forget "your other life".
Pregnancy can take all your life. Usually the mother will worry about something that should not be necessary, for example, the selection of names for the baby, pain during pregnancy, or suffering to be experienced during the birth process. Let your mind calm and free from that anxiety. Make your heart happy by reading books, watching TV / DVD or calling an old friend so that your brain can think about something other than these things.

10. Enjoy it.
Pregnancy is an unique time and special for every woman. Even if you frequently experience heartburn, nausea and insomnia even during this period, take a few minutes each day to enjoy the wonders that grow in your body.

READMORE - 10 Important Things to Do Every Day During Pregnancy
